Monday, May 26, 2014

The Art of Fabric

Why do we love fabric so much?

The pretty colors?

The pretty patterns?

The way if feels?

When I walk into a room of fabric it makes me happy!  But why?  Why does fabric touch our soul?

For some of us creative types, maybe it is because of the endless possibilities that lie in the piles of fabric in front of us.  Designing, creating - good or bad - its like we are young again and can say "Hey!  Look what I made!"

For some of us spiritual types, Fabric is a symbol of bigger picture of creating.  The fabric itself is woven thread by thread. Then from something as basic as a thread comes something beautiful to wear, use or just enjoy seeing.

Somtimes is it deeper than that?  Does fabric remind us that we are better - even prettier -  when we work together?  Like fabric we are each a thread woven together to make good out of little.

Isn't wonderful to think that fabric pieced together can mean so much?

So what is your story with fabric?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Summertime Quilts

Hey, if you are like me then no matter summer, winter, spring or fall, I just have to have a little cover ofer me when I sleep.  So in order to enjoy a summertime quilt, it can't be too heavy or hot! My next project is a light 100% cotton with a light weight 100% cotton flannel batting. I also, plan on cool colors and a modern open design.  Hold on to see what comes out of this project.  I would love to see your warm weather quilts. Post them to this blog so we can see what you have done.
Wish me well as I design this new project.

Don't forget to like my All-sewn-together page on Facebook!  You can also see all the cool colored fabrics that I carry on my online fabric store. Your fabric is always 20% off when you shop at